

Large Rectangle

Some cool fashion plus images:

fashion plus
Image by westernnationalroundup
To download the largest version of this photo possible, click the plus (+) icon above the photo, then click "View all sizes," then choose "Original" from the sizes list, then choose "Download the original size of this photo."

For Information on ordering enlargements see the Roundup photo web page at www.westernnationalroundup.org/photos.aspx or email adam.c.warren@gmail.com

Right to make unlimited prints/imprints of these State Photos is released to roundup participants. Metadata embedded in them should allow your photo processing center to print them for you, but if they require a release, contact the photographer.

fashion plus
Image by westernnationalroundup
To download the largest version of this photo possible, click the plus (+) icon above the photo, then click "View all sizes," then choose "Original" from the sizes list, then choose "Download the original size of this photo."

For Information on ordering enlargements see the Roundup photo web page at www.westernnationalroundup.org/photos.aspx or email adam.c.warren@gmail.com

Right to make unlimited prints/imprints of these State Photos is released to roundup participants. Metadata embedded in them should allow your photo processing center to print them for you, but if they require a release, contact the photographer.
