A few nice fashion shoes images I found:
Image by Divine Tokyoska
We wanted to do something cheeky and fun with this shoot....and this is what we came up with^^
Styled by Vixie on Avenue's staff, directed, photographed and edited by myself...
this was FUN! hehe
Sketcher Slip-Ons B/W
Image by JoeInSouthernCA
I really am a reactionary when it comes to fashion. Most "new" mens' shoes don't appeal to me.
My Marine pilot neighbor (the one who gave me his fatigue boots when he was issued a new pair) and I were talking about this the other day. He said, "try these since we now know you and I are the same shoe size."
They are comfortable. I still think they look like my dad's bedroom slippers but I see feet everywhere shod like this so I guess I'll give in. :)