
Cool Fashion Stores images

A few nice fashion stores images I found:

Motivi meets the bloggers
fashion stores
Image by motivi fashion
Valentina Coco, fashion blogger

Nice Online Fashion Shops photos

A few nice online fashion shops images I found:

Oxfam online shop advert
online fashion shops
Image by net_efekt
A set of artvert concepts I've produced with Richard Hamilton for Oxfam's online shop.

See the BBC documentary on this: news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7388856.stm

The photo is of Alexa Chung wearing clothes from Oxfam’s Reinvented range, by Kai Z Feng

Fashion on Fire 2011

Some cool man fashion images:

Fashion on Fire 2011
man fashion
Image by The Bokehccino Project
Photos by Kelly Rosborough for Studio-e Photography

Fashion on Fire 2011
man fashion
Image by The Bokehccino Project
Photos by Kelly Rosborough for Studio-e Photography

Fashion on Fire 2011
man fashion
Image by The Bokehccino Project
Photos by Kelly Rosborough for Studio-e Photography

Elle Fashion Voyeur 73

Some cool fashion magazine images:

Elle Fashion Voyeur 73
fashion magazine
Image by geishaboy500
Elle Magazine shot by Sasha Eisenman

Elle Fashion Voyeur 6
fashion magazine
Image by geishaboy500
Elle Magazine shot by Sasha Eisenman

Elle Fashion Voyeur 117
fashion magazine
Image by geishaboy500
Elle Magazine shot by Sasha Eisenman

DCU Fashion Show 2010

Check out these fashion designers images:

DCU Fashion Show 2010
fashion designers
Image by SebastianDooris
DCU Fashion Show 2010 'The Edge of Industry'
This edgy, student run extravaganza showcases an original and theatrical take on fashion. It explores fashion through an industrial and gothic view. The show, run by DCU Style Society, features the 'Young Designer' competition, where Irish student fashion designers battle it out on stage with their original costumes to claim the coveted title of DCU Young Designer of the Year.

DCU Fashion Show 2010
fashion designers
Image by SebastianDooris
DCU Fashion Show 2010 'The Edge of Industry'
This edgy, student run extravaganza showcases an original and theatrical take on fashion. It explores fashion through an industrial and gothic view. The show, run by DCU Style Society, features the 'Young Designer' competition, where Irish student fashion designers battle it out on stage with their original costumes to claim the coveted title of DCU Young Designer of the Year.

DCU Fashion Show 2010
fashion designers
Image by SebastianDooris
DCU Fashion Show 2010 'The Edge of Industry'
This edgy, student run extravaganza showcases an original and theatrical take on fashion. It explores fashion through an industrial and gothic view. The show, run by DCU Style Society, features the 'Young Designer' competition, where Irish student fashion designers battle it out on stage with their original costumes to claim the coveted title of DCU Young Designer of the Year.

Fashion on Fire 2011

Some cool man fashion images:

Fashion on Fire 2011
man fashion
Image by The Bokehccino Project
Photos by Kelly Rosborough for Studio-e Photography

Fashion on Fire 2011
man fashion
Image by The Bokehccino Project
Photos by Kelly Rosborough for Studio-e Photography

Fashion on Fire 2011
man fashion
Image by The Bokehccino Project
Photos by Kelly Rosborough for Studio-e Photography

Fashion Paradox

Some cool fashion website images:

Fashion Paradox
fashion website
Image by T o m m
Don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my permission.
© Some rights reserved.

Sempre vaig estar fascinat des de la gran cura i resultats de la fotografia de moda en estudio, pel sublim rendiment que els fotògrafs aconsegueixen donar a la llum dels seus models.
Pel meu projecte, doncs, he volgut intentar construir unes imatges caracteritzades de la mateixa cura treballant molt sobre la il•luminació de les escenes.
Juntament però considero la fotografia de moda pobre de continguts i de valors vàlids; és com concentrar-se totalment sobre els aspectes estètics sense donar cap importància als significats i temàtiques que qualsevol cosa pot portar amb se mateixa; entenc que en el mon de la moda l’únic valor afegit i reconegut és la bellesa i l’aspecte exterior i no en denuncio la futilitat però pel meu projecte he volgut intentar transmetre una temàtica de fon, una idea afegida que em feria sortir des del mon de la fotografia de retrat de moda per entrar en un àmbit de critica social de un aspecte crític de la nova societat moderna.
Per això amb la totalitat d’aquest projecte he intentat transmetre la incongruïtat que hi ha entre el petit i reduït mon de la gran majoria de les persones de les noves societats modernes i l’efectiva situació i realitat en la que viuen; he volgut denunciar la ceguesa del nou gènere humà, massa concentrat en les seves coses, en el seu aspecte exterior, en el seu petit mon construït amb cortines i paravents de cartró, focalitzat a l’obteniment de baix o inútils objectius, sense donar-se conta que en realitat el mon en que viu està caient a trossos, s’està disgregant, la pèrdua de valors està en creixement exponencial, hi ha zones del planeta en que les poblacions estan vivint guerres i destruccions massives, que viuen per sota dels llindars mínim de vida, en que l’únic objectius del cada dia és arribar fins al dia següent.
Quin aspecte més de la moda pot expressar aquesta completa ceguesa i total menyspreu per aquestes grans problemàtiques?

Per la finalització del meu projecte he buscat una localització que hauria pogut expressar una decadència, un abandonament; per això he buscat una nau en desús.
Per poder il•luminar el set he degut, clarament, utilitzar un generador d’electricitat deixat a l’exterior de la nau i tirar casi 100m de cable per l’utilitzo del set de focus en dotació al Sermat.
Per la il•luminació he buscat informacions sobre com il•luminar un estudi de moda i he mirat tutorials vídeo del les diferents maneres de utilitzar la llum per dibuixar les cares dels models; en fi he utilitzat el sistema a tres punts de llum per intentar destacar més els models des del fons, aprofitant però de la llum directe del sol com back-light o per crear, en algun cas, jocs de llum sobre les paredes i sobre els models.
He preguntat l’ajuda a dos companys de classe per fer-me de models, la Alba Montero i l’Eduardo Moya.
Per algunes fotos s’han utilitzats alguns “attrezzi” ja presents en la nau.

Per totes les fotografies he intentat tres postproduccions diferents: Color real, un efecte mitja entre Color i B/W i B/W sencer amb diferents grisos mitjans.
De tota manera no he aconseguit crear l’efecte esperat; no hi ha prou contrast entre els fons destrossats i els models i, sense una introducció a la temàtica, no s’imagina el significat que hauria volgut donar-li; podria ser que hagi fallat alguna cosa en la il•luminació; igualment amb el material a disposició del Sermat no hauria pogut intentar cap altra manera de il•luminar l’escena pel fet que en la fotografia professional de moda s’utilitzen focus especials, difusors a ombrel•la, reflectors opacs, paredes especials, etc., que segurament fan que les fotos resultin molt més inundades de llum i vives en els colors.

Alba Montero, model
Eduardo Moya, model
Javier Cañal, per l’ajuda a transportar els materials
Pol Carculé, per haver-me deixat el generador d’electricitat
Joan Nieto, per vigilar el generador a l’exterior de la nau

Fashion Paradox
fashion website
Image by T o m m
Don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my permission.
© Some rights reserved.

Sempre vaig estar fascinat des de la gran cura i resultats de la fotografia de moda en estudio, pel sublim rendiment que els fotògrafs aconsegueixen donar a la llum dels seus models.
Pel meu projecte, doncs, he volgut intentar construir unes imatges caracteritzades de la mateixa cura treballant molt sobre la il•luminació de les escenes.
Juntament però considero la fotografia de moda pobre de continguts i de valors vàlids; és com concentrar-se totalment sobre els aspectes estètics sense donar cap importància als significats i temàtiques que qualsevol cosa pot portar amb se mateixa; entenc que en el mon de la moda l’únic valor afegit i reconegut és la bellesa i l’aspecte exterior i no en denuncio la futilitat però pel meu projecte he volgut intentar transmetre una temàtica de fon, una idea afegida que em feria sortir des del mon de la fotografia de retrat de moda per entrar en un àmbit de critica social de un aspecte crític de la nova societat moderna.
Per això amb la totalitat d’aquest projecte he intentat transmetre la incongruïtat que hi ha entre el petit i reduït mon de la gran majoria de les persones de les noves societats modernes i l’efectiva situació i realitat en la que viuen; he volgut denunciar la ceguesa del nou gènere humà, massa concentrat en les seves coses, en el seu aspecte exterior, en el seu petit mon construït amb cortines i paravents de cartró, focalitzat a l’obteniment de baix o inútils objectius, sense donar-se conta que en realitat el mon en que viu està caient a trossos, s’està disgregant, la pèrdua de valors està en creixement exponencial, hi ha zones del planeta en que les poblacions estan vivint guerres i destruccions massives, que viuen per sota dels llindars mínim de vida, en que l’únic objectius del cada dia és arribar fins al dia següent.
Quin aspecte més de la moda pot expressar aquesta completa ceguesa i total menyspreu per aquestes grans problemàtiques?

Per la finalització del meu projecte he buscat una localització que hauria pogut expressar una decadència, un abandonament; per això he buscat una nau en desús.
Per poder il•luminar el set he degut, clarament, utilitzar un generador d’electricitat deixat a l’exterior de la nau i tirar casi 100m de cable per l’utilitzo del set de focus en dotació al Sermat.
Per la il•luminació he buscat informacions sobre com il•luminar un estudi de moda i he mirat tutorials vídeo del les diferents maneres de utilitzar la llum per dibuixar les cares dels models; en fi he utilitzat el sistema a tres punts de llum per intentar destacar més els models des del fons, aprofitant però de la llum directe del sol com back-light o per crear, en algun cas, jocs de llum sobre les paredes i sobre els models.
He preguntat l’ajuda a dos companys de classe per fer-me de models, la Alba Montero i l’Eduardo Moya.
Per algunes fotos s’han utilitzats alguns “attrezzi” ja presents en la nau.

Per totes les fotografies he intentat tres postproduccions diferents: Color real, un efecte mitja entre Color i B/W i B/W sencer amb diferents grisos mitjans.
De tota manera no he aconseguit crear l’efecte esperat; no hi ha prou contrast entre els fons destrossats i els models i, sense una introducció a la temàtica, no s’imagina el significat que hauria volgut donar-li; podria ser que hagi fallat alguna cosa en la il•luminació; igualment amb el material a disposició del Sermat no hauria pogut intentar cap altra manera de il•luminar l’escena pel fet que en la fotografia professional de moda s’utilitzen focus especials, difusors a ombrel•la, reflectors opacs, paredes especials, etc., que segurament fan que les fotos resultin molt més inundades de llum i vives en els colors.

Alba Montero, model
Eduardo Moya, model
Javier Cañal, per l’ajuda a transportar els materials
Pol Carculé, per haver-me deixat el generador d’electricitat
Joan Nieto, per vigilar el generador a l’exterior de la nau

Nice Hot Fashion photos

Check out these hot fashion images:

Hot Summer Nights Fashion Show
hot fashion
Image by maxiadrian photography
Hot Summer Nights Fashion Show was held in Warehouse 135 last April of 2008.

(c) 2008 Maxi Adrian San Agustin
All Rights Reserved.

Hot Summer Nights Fashion Show
hot fashion
Image by maxiadrian photography
Hot Summer Nights Fashion Show was held in Warehouse 135 last April of 2008.

(c) 2008 Maxi Adrian San Agustin
All Rights Reserved.

Bike Winter fashion show - Chris and a Brompton folding bike

A few nice winter fashion images I found:

Bike Winter fashion show - Chris and a Brompton folding bike
winter fashion
Image by Steven Vance
Read more about this on Grid Chicago.

Bike Winter fashion show. Ian and a Civia Halsted
winter fashion
Image by Steven Vance
Read more about this on Grid Chicago.

Made In Africa (by Arise magazine): NY Fashion Week

Check out these magazine fashion images:

Made In Africa (by Arise magazine): NY Fashion Week
magazine fashion
Image by j-No
Avery Fisher Hall, Lincoln Center
Thurs., Sept. 15, 2012, NYC

Made In Africa (by Arise magazine): NY Fashion Week
magazine fashion
Image by j-No
Avery Fisher Hall, Lincoln Center
Thurs., Sept. 15, 2012, NYC


Some cool shop fashion images:

shop fashion
Image by -sel
a lucky occasion for contrasts...

*edit* no photoshop etc involved
See where this picture was taken. [?]

Warm Winter Noggins in Bondi #atbondi #bondi #sydney #iphoneography #hullubullu
shop fashion
Image by andy@atbondi

DJ smiling - Fashion on Location, Melbourne Central
shop fashion
Image by avlxyz
Melbourne Fashion On Location - Melbourne Central
Live Fashion Shoot

Melbourne Central sits in the heart of the city and will live and breathe fashion during LMFF. As Platinum Partners of the festival, a highlight will be Melbourne Fashion On Location, a photo-shoot live in Shot Tower Square with direct views of all the glamour - hair and makeup, models, photography plus some special entertainment and surprises.

When: Wednesday 17 March from 1.30pm
Where: Shot Tower Square Melbourne Central

Partner Events - L'Oreal Melbourne Fashion Festival 2010
Melbourne Central - Melbourne Fashion ‘ On Location’
A live photo-shoot in the heart of Melbourne Central.
Come and see designer fashion magic as it happens.

Photography by Christian Blanchard

Aerial performances from the National Institute of Circus Arts

Wednesday 17 March
1.30pm - 3.30pm
Shot Tower Square
Melbourne Central

Cool Fashion Photographer images

Check out these fashion photographer images:

Sitting Pretty Close Up in a Little Black Dress B&W by FFX © florbela's fotographix
fashion photographer
Image by florbelas fotographix
Photo & Post Processing by me Florbela
Follow me on Twitter www.twitter.com/flo_bela

Model : Miss Teen Canada & Model Jelena Savic during Vancouver Fashion Week www.vanfashionweek.com/

JEWELRY by FIREFLY Jewelry Design www.fireflyjewelrydesign.com/

Mercedes Benz Fashion Week
fashion photographer
Image by j-No
fashion photographer Roy Morrison
Sept 2010 NYC

Preparing for Oxfam Chelsea Fashion Event

A few nice online fashion shops images I found:

Preparing for Oxfam Chelsea Fashion Event
online fashion shops
Image by theboybg
"Make Do And Mend" event hosted by Oxfam Chelsea at St Mary’s Church , Marylebone on Saturday 28th November.

Inspired by the WW2 campaign, the event offered visitors an alternative way to get their fashion fix. A selection of many fantastic Oxfam pieces were strutted up the catwalk and then auctioned off. There was also a customising corner, swap shop and many stalls - something for everyone.

Supporting Oxfams work in Haiti. Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. It has been plagued by political unrest for most of its history and natural disasters frequently sweep the nation. Over 80 per cent of the population lives below the poverty line & literacy rates stand at just 52 per cent.

To support Oxfam go online or visit a local Oxfam shop

Event organised by Oxfam shop Chelsea, 432 King's Road, Chelsea, London - oxfamshopf8004@oxfam.org.uk Tel: 0207 351 6863

Photography by Ben Geach / theboybg released under Creative Commons

Preparing for Oxfam Chelsea Fashion Event
online fashion shops
Image by theboybg
"Make Do And Mend" event hosted by Oxfam Chelsea at St Mary’s Church , Marylebone on Saturday 28th November.

Inspired by the WW2 campaign, the event offered visitors an alternative way to get their fashion fix. A selection of many fantastic Oxfam pieces were strutted up the catwalk and then auctioned off. There was also a customising corner, swap shop and many stalls - something for everyone.

Supporting Oxfams work in Haiti. Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. It has been plagued by political unrest for most of its history and natural disasters frequently sweep the nation. Over 80 per cent of the population lives below the poverty line & literacy rates stand at just 52 per cent.

To support Oxfam go online or visit a local Oxfam shop

Event organised by Oxfam shop Chelsea, 432 King's Road, Chelsea, London - oxfamshopf8004@oxfam.org.uk Tel: 0207 351 6863

Photography by Ben Geach / theboybg released under Creative Commons

Preparing for Oxfam Chelsea Fashion Event
online fashion shops
Image by theboybg
"Make Do And Mend" event hosted by Oxfam Chelsea at St Mary’s Church , Marylebone on Saturday 28th November.

Inspired by the WW2 campaign, the event offered visitors an alternative way to get their fashion fix. A selection of many fantastic Oxfam pieces were strutted up the catwalk and then auctioned off. There was also a customising corner, swap shop and many stalls - something for everyone.

Supporting Oxfams work in Haiti. Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. It has been plagued by political unrest for most of its history and natural disasters frequently sweep the nation. Over 80 per cent of the population lives below the poverty line & literacy rates stand at just 52 per cent.

To support Oxfam go online or visit a local Oxfam shop

Event organised by Oxfam shop Chelsea, 432 King's Road, Chelsea, London - oxfamshopf8004@oxfam.org.uk Tel: 0207 351 6863

Photography by Ben Geach / theboybg released under Creative Commons


A few nice fashion pictures images I found:

fashion pictures
Image by ToniVC
Picture taken handheld and through a shop window

Okay kid, look...

A few nice fashion for kids images I found:

Okay kid, look...
fashion for kids
Image by Malingering
You're like 11 years old. Where the hell did you purchase these awful items? And I am assuming you don't have a job, so some adult is purchasing these hideous articles for you? I would cut you some slack and just say it's funny, but you have a total attitude problem, you yelled at 3 different kids in the time it took me to take this photo, you said things like "WHATEVER!" and "DON'T GO THERE!" to your mother, and then you threw all of your Coffee Bean garbage into the fountain and walked away. So now I am allowing all the Flickr world to make fun of your stupid outfit. I hope you learned something here today.

Red Jade – Girl – Aveda Eco Fashion Week – Day 1 – Feb 23 11 – Vancouver
fashion for kids
Image by Jason Hargrove
Art Documentary photos from Aveda Eco Fashion Week – Day 1 – at Vancouver Salt Building in Olympic Village, Vancouver, Canada. February 23, 2011.

For eco updates follow @ecofashionweek on Twitter


All EFW photos are Creative Commons (cc) Attribution, though I do not represent any people, brands, or intellectual properties depicted. Please be respectful of the subjects.

Please credit "Jason Hargrove" and link back to the Flickr photo.


Cool Hot Fashion images

Some cool hot fashion images:

marvel fashion show
hot fashion
Image by pinguino

Rocking Toddler Fashion!
hot fashion
Image by Wayan Vota

Great fashion shot of Kate with an umbrella
hot fashion
Image by dionhinchcliffe

2009 UMM Fashion Trashion show (top tier) IMG_6784

Some cool fashion top images:

2009 UMM Fashion Trashion show (top tier) IMG_6784
fashion top
Image by Nic's events
From the first annual Fashion Trashion show put on by the Studio Art program at University of Minnesota, Morris. The students in the beginning art classes designed and constructed outfits out of trash and recycled materials, and then put on a full runway show with judges, jokes, and way too much fun. They had an enormous SRO turnout - far larger than anyone expected. It was a great end to the day of the Undergraduate Research Symposium day - a wonderful dessert at the end of a rich and varied meal.

Jess Larson asked me to take photos at the event, and in the end I took well over 1,000 photos. I've sifted out the obviously broken ones, and then divided what's left into two groups: the "top tier" (the ones that I thought were better for some mysterious reason; this set) and "the rest".

UMM folks should feel free to use these however they see fit. It would be nice to know when they're being used, however. Thanks.

Thanks to everyone involved for putting on a really tremendous show!

2009 UMM Fashion Trashion show (top tier) IMG_6854
fashion top
Image by Nic's events
From the first annual Fashion Trashion show put on by the Studio Art program at University of Minnesota, Morris. The students in the beginning art classes designed and constructed outfits out of trash and recycled materials, and then put on a full runway show with judges, jokes, and way too much fun. They had an enormous SRO turnout - far larger than anyone expected. It was a great end to the day of the Undergraduate Research Symposium day - a wonderful dessert at the end of a rich and varied meal.

Jess Larson asked me to take photos at the event, and in the end I took well over 1,000 photos. I've sifted out the obviously broken ones, and then divided what's left into two groups: the "top tier" (the ones that I thought were better for some mysterious reason; this set) and "the rest".

UMM folks should feel free to use these however they see fit. It would be nice to know when they're being used, however. Thanks.

Thanks to everyone involved for putting on a really tremendous show!

Nice Fashion Sale photos

A few nice fashion sale images I found:

PDX Fashion Synergy
fashion sale
Image by Art Institute of Portland
Pocket Change Inc. held a benefit sale titled Art for Change at The Art Institute of Portland. 25 artists each created 25 works to be sold for 25 dollars to benefit their non-profit organization which assists troubled youth.

Find out more about The Art Institute of Portland: www.artinstitutes.edu/portland

Photo: Lulu Hoeller

PDX Fashion Synergy
fashion sale
Image by Art Institute of Portland
Pocket Change Inc. held a benefit sale titled Art for Change at The Art Institute of Portland. 25 artists each created 25 works to be sold for 25 dollars to benefit their non-profit organization which assists troubled youth.

Find out more about The Art Institute of Portland: www.artinstitutes.edu/portland

Photo: Lulu Hoeller

PDX Fashion Synergy
fashion sale
Image by Art Institute of Portland
Pocket Change Inc. held a benefit sale titled Art for Change at The Art Institute of Portland. 25 artists each created 25 works to be sold for 25 dollars to benefit their non-profit organization which assists troubled youth.

Find out more about The Art Institute of Portland: www.artinstitutes.edu/portland

Photo: Lulu Hoeller

4 7/10’’ Blue High Heel Platform Rose Peep Toe Patent Leather Fashion Shoes

Some cool fashion shoes images:

4 7/10’’ Blue High Heel Platform Rose Peep Toe Patent Leather Fashion Shoes
fashion shoes
Image by AviviJ

* Heel Height(inch) :4 7/10’’
* Material :patent leather
* Shape of Heel :stiletto
* Toe Shape :peep toe

246/365 ~ Twinkle Toes #fashion #shoes #sketchers #iphone4s #365
fashion shoes
Image by Ray Bouknight

Fashion Platform Shoes IMG_2016
fashion shoes
Image by Lynn Friedman

Italian fashion designer

A few nice designer fashion images I found:

Italian fashion designer
designer fashion
Image by Alii Vella ♥ Fashion Slave in SL
Come in una notte fra le stelle, Lunedì 22 Dicembre, abbiamo visto sfilare ad Experience Italy i Fashion designer Italiani: ognuno di loro ha indossato gli abiti dei propri colleghi in una serata all'insegna della moda e del divertimento.

Presentatrice:Cecylia Susanti
Curatrici dell'allestimento della sfilata, oltre a Patrizia Blessed (ideatrice e coordinatrice dell'evento), Micalita Writer e Mexi Lane.

Nice Fashion Top photos

A few nice fashion top images I found:

2009 UMM Fashion Trashion show (top tier) IMG_6975
fashion top
Image by Nic's events
From the first annual Fashion Trashion show put on by the Studio Art program at University of Minnesota, Morris. The students in the beginning art classes designed and constructed outfits out of trash and recycled materials, and then put on a full runway show with judges, jokes, and way too much fun. They had an enormous SRO turnout - far larger than anyone expected. It was a great end to the day of the Undergraduate Research Symposium day - a wonderful dessert at the end of a rich and varied meal.

Jess Larson asked me to take photos at the event, and in the end I took well over 1,000 photos. I've sifted out the obviously broken ones, and then divided what's left into two groups: the "top tier" (the ones that I thought were better for some mysterious reason; this set) and "the rest".

UMM folks should feel free to use these however they see fit. It would be nice to know when they're being used, however. Thanks.

Thanks to everyone involved for putting on a really tremendous show!

2009 UMM Fashion Trashion show (top tier) IMG_6949
fashion top
Image by Nic's events
From the first annual Fashion Trashion show put on by the Studio Art program at University of Minnesota, Morris. The students in the beginning art classes designed and constructed outfits out of trash and recycled materials, and then put on a full runway show with judges, jokes, and way too much fun. They had an enormous SRO turnout - far larger than anyone expected. It was a great end to the day of the Undergraduate Research Symposium day - a wonderful dessert at the end of a rich and varied meal.

Jess Larson asked me to take photos at the event, and in the end I took well over 1,000 photos. I've sifted out the obviously broken ones, and then divided what's left into two groups: the "top tier" (the ones that I thought were better for some mysterious reason; this set) and "the rest".

UMM folks should feel free to use these however they see fit. It would be nice to know when they're being used, however. Thanks.

Thanks to everyone involved for putting on a really tremendous show!

2009 UMM Fashion Trashion show (top tier) IMG_6941
fashion top
Image by Nic's events
From the first annual Fashion Trashion show put on by the Studio Art program at University of Minnesota, Morris. The students in the beginning art classes designed and constructed outfits out of trash and recycled materials, and then put on a full runway show with judges, jokes, and way too much fun. They had an enormous SRO turnout - far larger than anyone expected. It was a great end to the day of the Undergraduate Research Symposium day - a wonderful dessert at the end of a rich and varied meal.

Jess Larson asked me to take photos at the event, and in the end I took well over 1,000 photos. I've sifted out the obviously broken ones, and then divided what's left into two groups: the "top tier" (the ones that I thought were better for some mysterious reason; this set) and "the rest".

UMM folks should feel free to use these however they see fit. It would be nice to know when they're being used, however. Thanks.

Thanks to everyone involved for putting on a really tremendous show!

DCU Fashion Show 2010

A few nice fashion designer images I found:

DCU Fashion Show 2010
fashion designer
Image by SebastianDooris
DCU Fashion Show 2010 'The Edge of Industry'
This edgy, student run extravaganza showcases an original and theatrical take on fashion. It explores fashion through an industrial and gothic view. The show, run by DCU Style Society, features the 'Young Designer' competition, where Irish student fashion designers battle it out on stage with their original costumes to claim the coveted title of DCU Young Designer of the Year.

Nice Male Fashion photos

Some cool male fashion images:

2010ron_MG_2765 as Smart Object-1
male fashion
Image by Hen3k Hen3k
Fashion, style, make-up : Ron Bacas

Ex430 thru soft box-umbrella left from model ettl

2010ron_MG_2740 as Smart Object-1
male fashion
Image by Hen3k Hen3k
Fashion, style, make-up : Ron Bacas

Ex430 thru soft box-umbrella left from model ettl

2010ron_MG_2732 as Smart Object-1
male fashion
Image by Hen3k Hen3k
Fashion, style, make-up : Ron Bacas

Ex430 thru soft box-umbrella left from model ettl
